R. Ramakrishna1, G. Jaya Bharat Reddy2
200 symptomatic smokers from KMC Pulmonology OPD were analysed regarding their smoking habits. The parameters studied were: 1. Tobacco form consumed, 2. Frequency per day, status of inhalation, 3. Dependency, 4. Purpose of smoking, 5. Motivation behind their smoking, 6. Refrainment from public places and places to be forbidde, 7. Association with alcohol, Quit attempts Majority of the symptomatic were Beedi smokers followed by cigarette and chutta. A majority of them were motivated by peer influence. Smoke for pleasure and few for bowel movements. Majority of them inhale deeply. 60% of the smokers never attempted to quit while 40% attempted. More than 50% have associated alcohol habit. COPD is the commonest disease identified. Degree of obstruction was more with beedi smokers.