Vijayalakshmi B, Pallavi Purra
Transverse lie complicates approximately 0.5% of birth and may result in neglected or impacted shoulder presentation leading to obstructed labour, rupture uterus and postpartum haemorrhage which may result in death of the mother, if not adequately managed in labour. A prospective observational study done in VIMS Bellary, Karnataka, aim of the study was to know the maternal and fetal outcome, to study caesarean rate, maternal and neonatal complications following caesarean. Objective of the study is to analyse the various modes of outcome of transverse lie to know the fetal and maternal mortality and morbidity, to improve the conditions which decreases these rates and guide us for better management of these cases. Out of 6116 deliveries100 cases were transverse lie during 2year period from April 1999 to January 2001. Out of 100 cases, 76 were caesarean sections, 48 were live births, 7 were neonatal deaths, 45 were still births. Maternal morbidity was 2 cases required subtotal hysterectomy. There were no maternal deaths. Elective caesarean section should be advised in all booked cases with transverse lie at term, after ruling out congenital anomalies of the fetus by anomaly scan.