Malay Sarkar1 , Manojit Sarkar2
BACKGROUND Eclampsia is a life-threatening emergency & requires proper treatment to decrease maternal morbidity & mortality. We wanted to determine the incidence of maternal mortality associated with eclampsia, modes of death in eclampsia & demographic profile of women influencing the maternal death. METHODS This retrospective longitudinal study was done in the Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology of Malda Medical College & Hospital for a period of three years from 1 st January, 2017 to 31st December, 2019. Total maternal deaths during this period was 186 & total eclampsia deaths during this period was 62. Records of death & demographic profiles were retrieved from the Medical Record Library of aforementioned hospital. RESULTS Eclampsia accounted for 33.33% of total maternal deaths (186) with a case fatality rate of 4.092%. Commonest mode of death in eclampsia is pulmonary oedema. Eclampsia death commonly occurs in younger age & in primigravida. Eclampsia death is also common in unbooked & lower socioeconomic status. Antepartum eclampsia contributes to most of the eclamptic deaths. CONCLUSIONS Eclampsia still remains the major cause of maternal death in India in unbooked & unsupervised pregnancies & deliveries. Hence, regular antenatal check-up, strict vigilance & appropriate treatment during deliveries may reduce maternal deaths in eclampsia.