Paresh Sodhiya1, Khushal Rao Hurmade2, Sanjay Mahajan3, Gajendra Dandotiya4, Manisankar Das5, Arvind Ghanghoria6
The number of trauma cases is increasing day by day in our setup. Daily 10-15
patients of trauma came to MYH, we found that among these patients many
patients have under the influence of alcohol. Alcohol consumption is the leading
cause of trauma and reason for visitation to emergency department. We wanted
to prospectively study the incidence of alcoholism in victims of trauma admitted
in Dept of surgery, MYH Indore and correlate the severity of trauma in relation to
blood alcohol concentration.
This cross sectional study conducted at Maharaja Yashwant Rao Hospital from
January 2019 to march 2020 and it includes all patients 16 years and above with
traumatic injury admitted in Department of Surgery. Breath analyzer test will be
done on all patients and levels will be documented.
In our study head injury (73.6 %) was the most common type of injury in which
breath analyzer testing was found positive in 82 %,followed by burn (12.7 %) in
which breath analyzer testing was found positive in 2.1 %, followed by poly trauma
(4 %) in which breath analyzer testing was found positive in 4.3 %, followed by
blunt trauma chest (2.4 %) in which breath testing was found positive in 2.7 %,
followed by limbs (0.7 %) in which breath analyzer testing was found positive in
0.9 %.
In our study we have found that out of total 3105 patients history of alcoholism is
present in 1420 patients while breath alcohol analyzing test positive in 2072
patients and there is significance relationship between trauma and history of
alcoholism with the p value of <0.0001. We also found that significant relationship
between trauma and breath alcohol analyzing testing with the p value of <0.0001.