K. B. Yadavendra Reddy1, P. Kiran Kumar2, M. Asha3, B. Visalakshi4, P. Mohini5
BACKGROUND: Diabetic foot ulcers are common and estimated to affect 15% of all diabetics. In India it is estimated that approximately 40,000 legs are being amputated every year of which 75% are potentially preventable.
METHODOLOGY: To determine the prevalence of diabetic foot ulcers and the type of ulcers amongst the diagnosed diabetes mellitus patients a prospective study was carried out during the period January 2013 to December 2014 in the department of General medicine, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences and Medical college, Kadapa, A.P.
RESULTS: Diabetic foot ulcers were found in 14% diabetes mellitus patients. Neuropathic type of foot ulcer was present in 48.62% of patients (60.5% in male and 18.5% in female). Ischemic type of foot ulcer was present in 18.26% of patients (39.5% in male and in 14.06% females). Neuro-ischemic type of foot ulcer was present in 33.12% of patients (21% in males and 46.44% in females).
CONCLUSION: Neuropathy occurred most frequently either singly or with peripheral vascular disease. General awareness about the disease, early diagnosis and proper management will prevent this dreaded complication.