Vidya Tiruppatipannayam Ananthakrishnan1 , Praisid Siroraj2 , Gopikrishna Govindasamy3
BACKGROUND Anaemia is highly prevalent in Indian population. While most studies focus on children and women of reproductive age, there are relatively few studies of anaemia in older adults. This age group is also a highly vulnerable group which is commonly represented in medical ward admissions due to infections, diabetes, hypertension, etc. When anaemia is present as comorbidity in these patients, it can influence the course of the disease and prognosis. We wanted to study the severity and type of anaemia and association with various disorders in patients hospitalised with medical illnesses. METHODS 151 adults above 40 years of age who were admitted with non-critical illnesses and anaemia in medical wards of SRM hospital and medical college were included in the study. Comorbidities were documented and appropriate investigations were carried out. The results were analysed. RESULTS There was an age-related association of anaemia among adult males and females above 40 years of age. Anaemia was significantly associated with chronic diseases like diabetes and systemic hypertension. CKD (p=0.011) and CLD (p<0.001) were significantly higher in males compared to females. Normocytic anaemia was the commonest anaemia in adults more than 50 years of age admitted in the medical wards. CONCLUSIONS In patients hospitalised for medical illnesses, anaemia is present in significant association with diabetes and hypertension. In adults older than 50 years of age, normocytic anaemia is predominant.