
Pandu S1, Arunkumar B. Desai2, Sujatha V3, Srinivas B4, Muthukumaran R. S5

Microspherophakia is rare bilateral congenital anamoly of the crystalline lens. The condition may be isolated, familial or it may be associated with systemic affections like Marfan's syndrome, Weil-Marchesani syndrome, hyperlysinemia and congenital rubella. Microspherophakia results in lenticular myopia, lens dislocation, usually inferiorly and inverse glaucoma. We present a case in a 8 year old child who presented with bilateral microspherophakia and anterior dislocation of lens of right eye. visual acuity in right eye was counting fingers close to face and in left eye 6/60.IOP with perkins applanation tonometer was 30mmHg in right eye 22mmHg in left eye, cornea was hazy due to edema, anterior chamber was shallow in both eye patient was managed with emergency lens extraction of right eye and secondary ACIOL implantation. Left eye was managed by laser peripheral iridotomy. IOP was within normal limits postoperatively in both eyes without any antiglaucoma medications. Postoperatively best corrected visual acuity in right was 6/18 and 6/9 in left eye.
