Pinky Yadav, Prashanth V, Parikhita Hazarika
PRESENTATION OF CASE A 50-year-old unmarried, nulligravida female patient presented with chronic dull aching abdominal pain predominantly in suprapubic region since past 4 months and loose stools since 1 month with history of absence of menarche. There was no history of fever, white discharge per vagina or any significant medical history, and she was a non-diabetic and normotensive. The patient had no history of surgeries in the past. On examination, there was blind ending vagina. She was evaluated initially by radiography, which showed a well-defined, radio-opaque density in the pelvis approximately 4.8 x 4.5 x 2.7 cm in size (TR x AP x CC). Further the patient was evaluated with the computed tomography which showed a large, well defined, oval shaped, lamellated calcification (HU 850-900) measuring 5.1 x 4.8 x 3.1 cm (TR x AP x CC) in the pelvis, posterior to the urinary bladder and inferior to the uterus. The computed tomography of the patient also showed absence of the right kidney. MRI study of the patient showed unicornuate uterus with normal left ovary and the calcification was noted within the upper two – third of the dilated vagina. The right ovary was not visualized on imaging.