D. Pavan Kumar1, D. Balasubrahmanyam2, G. Someswar3, G. Rajagopal4, K. Bhargava Vardhan Reddy5, R. Prabhakar Rao6
ABSTRACT: Emphysematous cystitis is a rare disease caused by gas fermenting bacterial and fungal pathogens. Clinical symptoms are non-specific and diagnostic clues often arise from the unanticipated imaging findings. The clinical manifestations can vary from an incidental diagnosis on abdominal imaging to severe sepsis. Gas-forming infections of the urinary tract (emphysematous nephritis, pyelitis and cystitis) are potentially life-threatening and require prompt evaluation and management. We describe a case of a male patient with diabetes and neurogenic bladder due to spinal cord injury diagnosed to have emphysematous cystitis that was managed successfully with strict glycemic control, intravenous antibiotics, bladder irrigation with antibiotics and cystoscopy removal of necrotic tissue.