Anitha B 1 , Letha P 2 , Samith Ahmed 3 , Parvathi Pillai 4
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Brenner tumors are rare ovarian tumors accounting for 2-3% of all ovarian neoplasms and about 2% of these tumors are borderline (proliferating) or malignant. These tumors are commonly seen in 4th-8 th decades of life with a peak in late 40s and early 50s. Benign Brenner tumors are usually small, <2cm in diameter and often detected incidentally during surgery or on pathological examination. We report a case of a large, calcified benign Brenner tumor in a 62 year old postmenopausal woman who underwent total hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo oopherectomy for a large pelvic mass extending to the abdomen.