Susaritha Govindan, Geetha Kishan Siddapur
A 25-year-old male presented with diplopia in our outpatient department. On examination left eye, had esodeviation of 45 prism diopter, limitation of abduction, (Figures 1, 2.) with face turn to left. Visual acuity recorded as 6/6, N6 in both eyes. Fundus examination showed normal fundus in both eyes. Fifteen days before the onset of diplopia, he had been treated for otitis media in other hospital. Vitals were stable and other central nervous system examinations were normal. Otolaryngological examination showed congested left tympanic membrane with air fluid level, absent mastoid tenderness with negative fistula sign and patent eustachian tube. Audiogram showed conductive hearing loss in left ear. Laboratory investigation showed leucocytosis. The magnetic resonance imaging on day of admission was normal. (Figure. 3). Computed tomography of temporal bone also did not show mastoiditis or petrositis (Figure 4).