Girish V. Patil1, Shishirkumar2, Thejeshwari3, Apoorva D4, Javed Sharif5, C. Sheshgiri6, Sushant N. K7
ABSTRACT: Human sacral bones are of great interest to the anatomists, forensic experts and anthropologists as it is one of the important bones used for identification of sex in skeletal remains. Various parameters and indices are available based on which the sex can be determined using sacrum. One such important parameter is the sacral index. Studies show that sacral index significantly varies among male and female gender and among different populations. The materials for the present study consisted of 150 adult sacra (75 males and 75 females) of known sex available in the Department of Anatomy, DM- Wayanad Institute of Medical Sciences, Wayanad Kerala. Based on the sacral index, anthropologists have classified the sacra into specific groups. The mean sacral index of the male and female sacra in the present series are 114.94mm and 126.2mm respectively falls under the platycheiric group (sacral index>106). The present study showed a significant difference among the average male and female sacral indices and considers SI as a valuable parameter in identification of sex.