Tapas Kumar Rout, Tushar Kanta Sahoo, Jagannath Subudhi, Saroj Panda
BACKGROUND The objective of this study was to determine by a prospective randomized clinical trial whether omission of peritoneal suture has any effect on postoperative wound pain, wound sepsis, wound dehiscence, wound hernia etc. MATERIALS AND METHODS Materials for this study consisted of 200 cases, both emergency as well as routine admitted to The Department of General Surgery, MKCG Medical College and Hospital, Berhampur during the year 2016 to 2018. Altogether 200 patients were included in this series. 100 patients were included in group A where peritoneum was included and closed in layers and 100 patients in group B where peritoneum was left unsutured. Out of 100 patients, 50 cases were routine cases and 50 cases were emergency cases in each group. A comparative study was done. RESULTS 5% of patients developed wound dehiscence, 10% of patients developed wound infection in each group. 10% developed wound hernia in group A and 5% in group B. Peritoneal suturing provides little wound strength and omission makes no differences but peritoneum closure was associated with slightly increased incidence of wound hernia. CONCLUSION The present series comprised of 200 laparotomies (100 Emergency and 100 Routine), out of which in 50 emergency laparotomies and 50 routine cases, peritoneal suturing was done and in the rest half peritoneal suturing was omitted. 5% of patients developed wound dehiscence in both groups. 10% of patients developed wound infection in each group. 10% developed wound hernia in the group where peritoneum was sutured and 5% in the group where peritoneum was left unsutured. Peritoneal suturing provides little wound strength and omission makes no difference.