An Epidemiological Assessment of Endometrial Carcinoma Including Demographics and Histopathological Correlation, from a Tertiary Care Teaching Hospital in South India


Jeenu Babu1, Reeba George Pulinilkunnathil2, Bindu R. Kumar3

Endometrial cancer (EC) is also the second most common gynaecologic
malignancy in developing countries, with an incidence of 5.9 per 100,000 women.
Due to the multiple modifiable factors, a better understanding of the prognostic
indicators can lead to early detection and treatment. The purpose of this study
was to evaluate the frequency and the distribution of various risk factors,
epidemiological factors, and histological patterns of patients diagnosed with
endometrial carcinoma in a tertiary teaching hospital in south India and compare
them with similar studies. The compiled findings of 60 consecutive cases that
presented to our tertiary care teaching hospital in Kerala, south India, over oneand-
a-half-year period were studied.
This study was essentially an ex post facto retrospective study done on 60 patients
for one and half years. Retrospective data collection and compilation were done
with previously prepared structured questionnaires in patients with histologically
proven endometrial carcinoma. All cases were subjected to hysterectomy with
post-surgical histopathology correlation. A study of the risk factors, general
epidemiological characteristics, endometrial biopsy findings, and post-surgical
histopathology was done.
The mean age at presentation was 59.83 years. The mean age of menarche was
13.72 years, and menopause was 49.42 years. The majority of patients were
married, multiparous, and presented with bleeding per vaginum (77 %). 61.7 %
of the patients had a history of hypertension, 31.7 % had a history of
hypothyroidism, and 43.3 % had a history of diabetes mellitus in the study
population. The most common histopathological type by endometrial biopsy and
histopathological correlation was endometrioid adenocarcinoma (88.3 %).
Postmenopausal age group, with early menarche and late menopause, high body
mass index (BMI), thickened endometrium on ultrasound, and atrophic uterus
were some of the features associated with endometrial carcinoma. The most
common histological subtype was found to be endometrioid carcinoma
