
K. Sudharani1, P. Ratnachary2

NTRODUCTION: People suffering from sinusitis may be due reversible or irreversible causes. Irreversible causes are due permanent obstruction of the sinus drainage channels by variations of the bones of the nasal cavity. Coronal CT scanning will give clear anatomy of these bones with least radiation.

AIMS: The main aim of this study is to determine the incidence of the anatomical variations of bones of the nasal cavity in a group of patients suffering from chronic rhino sinusitis.

METHODS AND MATERIAL: 100 cases of the clinically suspected cases of sinusitis were subjected to Limited coronal CT scanning in radiology department of Osmania General Hospital, oldest, historical Government teaching hospital, Hyderabad, present Telangana State.

RESULTS: Out of 100 cases CT scanning confirmed various anatomical variations in 75 cases and the deviated nasal septum in majority of cases.

CONCLUSION: Coronal CT study for the nasal cavity and para nasal sinuses should be done for all the cases of chronic Sino-nasal inflammatory disease, wherever possible as this diagnostic procedure, will disclose in greatest details, the anatomical variation of bones, sinuses if any is found, which is causing or precipitating the sinusitis. Permanent relief to patient will occur when it is corrected by FESS (Functional Endoscopic Sinus Surgery) in majority of patients.
