
Raseshkumar Rasiklal Vyas1, Himanshu Champaklal Soni2, Adarsh Chhaganbhai Bhalodia3, Dolubha Jilubha Sisodiya4

BACKGROUND Orthopantomography plays a vital role to diagnose mandibular lesions. Odontogenic benign tumours may occur at any period of odontogenesis. Those who develop during first stage of teeth formation do not contain calcified tissue and are therefore referred to as soft. When they develop during second stage (formation of enamel and cementum) they may contain calcified tissue so known as hard lesion. Orthopantomography help in such a way that tissue biopsy is necessary only to confirm the diagnosis and in some case its need may be altogether eliminated. MATERIALS AND METHODS Patients included in the study were from all age groups and under following clinical findings like pain, difficulty to open mouth, swelling, local tenderness, discharge from mouth etc. The machine use for the study is D B Troniks and the duration of the study is one year from jan-2016 to dec-2016. RESULTS
A study carried out of 50 patient, after orthopantomogram found that incidence of male are more affected compare to females and most of them lying in third decade. The density of lesions were lytic followed by mixed and then sclerotic, while the margins of most of the lesions was smooth and well define. Most common lesion was dentigerous cyst followed by radicular cyst.
Many lesions involving the jaw produce characteristic radiographic appearances while many lesions produce protean characteristic with resultant overlap in radiographic features. With the combine help of history, clinical examination and orthopentomographical examination one can have accurate diagnosis of the lesions.
