B. G. Malathi1, M. R. Manjunath2
INTRODUCTION: Chorangiosis is an uncommon, miscellaneous vascular pathology of terminal chorionic villi demonstrating proliferation of villous capillaries without stromal hypercellularity.1, 2 Studies show high perinatal mortality and congenital anomalies varying from 42% and 39%,2 27% and 28%3 respectively. Commonly associated with various feto-maternal and placental conditions.2, 6
Generally considered as adaptive response to chronic maternal hypobaric hypoxia.4, 6
MATERIAL AND METHODS: A 23 year lady, G3P1L1A1 with 39 weeks of gestation, breach presentation presented with sudden onset of pain and leaking per vagina. She had history of pregnancy induced hypertension. Normal antenatal scans till 38 weeks of gestation. On examination foetal intrauterine death was noted.
Specimen of placenta with intact membranes was sent for histopathology study.
Gross: Specimen of placenta with umbilical cord and membranes together weighed 510gms. Placenta measured 20 x 16 x 4cms. Maternal and fetal surfaces appeared normal. Cord measured 20 cm in length, all the three vessels identified. Membranes were normal.
Microscopy: Sections from the random areas of placenta showed dysmaturity of chorionic villi displaying hypervascularity of capillary-sized vessels. Seen were at least in 10 microscopic fields, at least 10 villi, having atleast 10 capillary lumina at 10x magnification. Intervillous stroma was scantily cellular.