Vijayalakshmi P1, Veeresh S. M2
switched to complete oral re-rehydration on day 3 and day-7.
Out of 42 children in each group whose data were analyzed, 27 patients received intravenous rehydration therapy + Racecadotril (1.5mg/Kg) three times a day and remaining 15 received intravenous rehydration therapy alone. All patients were age and gender matched, however percentage of patients who were moderately dehydrated were marginally higher in Racecadotril add on group. More than 50% reduction in stool frequency was seen in Racecadotril group. Percentage of patients having diarrhea and percentage of patients who were switched to complete oral re-rehydration therapy were significantly higher in Racecadotril add on group than standard care on day-3. However, outcome variables were similar on day-7.
Add on Racecadotril to intravenous rehydration therapy acutely reduces stool frequency and switch children to complete oral rehydration therapy as compared to intravenous therapy alone. However cost effectiveness has to be addressed in large sample size studies.