Muddasar Hassan Rather, Nazir Ahmad Malik, Ishfaq Ahmad Gilkar, Shaukat Jeelani, Umer Mushtaq, Javid Ahmed Peer, Younis Bashir, Shivani Thakur
BACKGROUND Carcinoma of gall bladder is not a common entity among the malignancies of gastro intestinal tract, with an overall incidence of 0.3-1.5. Definition of Incidental Gallbladder Cancer (IGBC) is defined as a malignancy detected only on histopathological examination without prior pre-operative or intra-operative suspicion of malignancy. MATERIALS AND METHODS This is retrospective study conducted in the department of general surgery of government medical college, Srinagar, where the most commonly performed operation is cholecystectomy mostly laparoscopically. Data of this study was collected from December 2014 to December 2018. Number of patients enrolled in this study was 869 (all electively operated no emergency cholecystectomy was included). RESULTS In our study of 869 patients of cholecystectomies, 14 patients were diagnosed with incidental gall bladder cancer on histopathological examination. Mean age of the patients in our study is 60.07 with male to female ratio of 1:2.5. More than 90% of patients in our study presented with abdominal pain followed by weight loss, jaundice and vomiting, mean BMI of 30.14, intraoperative findings of patients with incidental gall bladder malignancy suggests that about half of the patients were having shrunken fibrosed gall bladder and rest gross findings were polypoid mass, difficulty in dissection due to adhesions and thickened gall bladder wall. CONCLUSION Performing cholecystectomy should never be the only treatment of gall stones or any other pathology which demands cholecystectomy unless and until the histopathological examination of the specimen is ensured so as to diagnose incidental gall bladder malignancy which is usually missed during peri-operative period. HOW TO CITE THIS ARTICLE: Rather MH, Malik NA, Gilkar IA, et al. Clinical study of incidental Gall bladder malignancy after elective cholecystectomy. A retrospective study. J. Evid. Based Med. Healthc. 2019; 6(14), 1145-1149. DOI: 10.18410/jebmh/2019/239