Anjo Stephan, Nazima Bai A, K. Kanchana
BACKGROUND Closed globe injury is one of the commonest cause of secondary glaucoma. Angle recession, hyphaema-associated and lens-associated mechanisms are the most common causes of secondary glaucoma after blunt ocular trauma. The Objective of the study is to study incidence, risk factor and clinicoepidemiological profile of secondary glaucoma in closed globe injury. MATERIALS AND METHODS A descriptive study of 75 cases of closed globe injury admitted at a tertiary level hospital in southern part of Kerala. Data analysed included age, sex, cause, mode of injury, treatment given, initial and final visual acuity, intraocular pressure at the time of admission and in follow up period and extent of ocular injury. RESULTS In our study group 29.33% of patients were in the age group of 11 -20 years and 66.67% was ï?£30 years of age and most common mode of injury was by stick which constituted about 37.33% followed by tennis ball which constituted about 22.67%. The most common anterior segment finding was hyphaema in 66.67%, 46.67% had angle recession but only 4% had angle recession more than two quadrants. Among 36% patients who had secondary glaucoma, hyphaema associated/inflammatory glaucoma constituted about 66.67%, lens induced constituted 25.92%, angle recession glaucoma constituted 7.41%. CONCLUSION Hyphaema associated/inflammatory glaucoma constituted major share of secondary glaucoma followed by lens induced glaucoma and angle recession glaucoma. In our study, those who had initial better vision and normal IOP either maintained the condition or improved. Poor final visual outcome was significantly associated with lenticular and posterior segment injuries.