N. Krishna Mohan1, D. Ramesh2, M. K. Raufuddin3
Haemorrhoidal disease is probably one of the oldest ills known to man, perhaps since the time he assumed the upright position. It leads to significant pain, discomfort, and decreased quality of life.
1. To compare the various methods of management in relation to the post procedural complications of haemorrhoidal disease.
The study group comprises of 120 patients with complaints of bleeding per rectum attending the outpatient department of General Surgery of Gandhi Hospital, Secunderabad.
After detailed history and proctoscopic examination, they are diagnosed of having Grade II and Grade III haemorrhoids. They are randomly subjected to banding, sclerotherapy and open hemorrhoidectomy of 40 patients each respectively. Follow up of these patients are done to know the complications like pain, bleeding and discharge per rectum, stenosis and recurrence. This was two years prospective study from June 2013 to Sept 2015.
Occurrence of haemorrhoids were maximum in fourth decade with male preponderance and with bleeding as major symptoms. Statistical analysis using chi square was done. When comparison was done between above treatment modalities, it was found that pain, bleeding per rectum and anal stenosis were more in patients who underwent haemorrhoidectomy. Discharge per rectum was more in patients who had sclerotherapy and recurrence rate is more in banding.
In our study sclerotherapy has relatively less severe complications of discharge per rectum when compared to the more severe complications of pain, bleeding per rectum rarely anal stenosis seen in other two methods.