
Manjunath K. G1 , Kiran C 2 , Sonakshi S 3 , Ashwini N4 , Ritu Agrawal 5

elasma is an acquired hypermelanosis of sun exposed areas commonly seen in women, it can also occur in men. It presents as symmetrical hyperpigmented macules and patches commonly over the cheeks, nose, chin and forehead. Woods lamp is a useful device used to estimate the depth of melanin determined by light induced fluorescence. A dermoscope is a non-invasive diagnostic tool which enables a clear visualization of pigment distribution and color variation of melanin depending on its location within the skin. OBJECTIVE To classify melasma according to depth of melanin by dermoscopy and correlate woods lamp and dermoscopic findings. MATERIAL AND METHODS Analysis of concordance between woods lamp and dermoscopy in classification of melasma. 30 patients with facial melasma were examined using Woods lamp (Derma India) and Dermoscope (Dermlite DL3). On Woods lamp examination, melasma was considered epidermal when enhancement was noted, dermal when no enhancement was seen and mixed when few areas showed enhancement. On Dermoscopy, melasma was considered epidermal when regular pigment network with a brownish homogenous pigmentation was noted, dermal when irregular network with bluish grey pigmentation was noted and mixed when areas show both features. RESULTS The degree of concordance between the methods was considered good (k<0.56) by statistical analysis. CONCLUSION Dermoscopy is more suitable for examination for melasma, since it allows visualization of pigmentary components in more objective way. It also helps to understand the prognosis and management.
