Bhanuprakash G1, Md. Abdul Mateen2, Madhusudhan U3
Alcoholism has become a major burden in developing countries like India, especially in rural areas. Multiple reasons like financial burden of being low socio economic status, heavy field work leading to physical stress & mental stress. Added to this illiteracy, lack of knowledge about ill effects of alcohol, people consume it regularly & become addictive.
The present study was conducted to study the lipid profile of alcoholics & compare them with normal subjects.
30 males between the age group of 35-60 years who consumed alcohol (>250 ml/day) regularly for more than 15 years in Chittoor and surrounding villages were recruited for the study group. 30 subjects of same age group attending SVIMS OPD, Tirupathi were taken as control group. Fasting serum lipid profile was done on both the groups by collecting their venous blood samples.
We found that serum cholesterol (234.66+10.34), Triglycerides (178.38+8.8), (LDL) Low density lipoprotein (160.6+10.3) & (VLDL) Very Low density lipoprotein (35.09+7.56) were significantly (p<0.05) higher in study group than compared to control group. Whereas High density lipoprotein HDL was significantly lower in study group (38.2) than control group (41.2).
Alcohol consumption leads to liver diseases which may present with clinical and biochemical features, mainly impaired serum lipid profile.