Correlation between Body Fat Estimated from BMI and Bio Impedance Analysis among Population Working in IT Sector in Bangalore City - A Cross-Sectional Study


Srividya Kalavagunta1, Sravani Kuppam2, Uma M.3, Srinivas Gunda4 Archana Bhat5

With the availability of more sophisticated methods, the utility of body mass index
(BMI) as a measure of obesity and body fat estimation is being questioned. The
current study aims to compare the estimation of body fat derived from BMI to that
of directly measured bio impedance analysis (BIA).
This is a cross sectional study conducted among IT employees of Bangalore City.
Body fat % estimated from BMI using formula (adult BF = (1.20 x BMI) + (0.23 x
age) - (10.8 x sex) - 5.4 where value for male = 1 & female = 0) and bioimpedance
analysis (BIA) was compared using Bland-Altman analysis.
A total of 6901 participants were included and out of 6901 participants, 67.63 %
were women. The mean age was 29.6 ± 6.68 years. The mean of the difference
in body fat % calculated from BMI and estimated by BIA was 3.29, (- 9.99 to +
16.58 %). The mean difference was 3.43, (- 9.58 to + 16.45 %) and 2.89, (- 10.90
to + 16.68 %) among men and women respectively.
The results showed that the body fat estimated by BMI varies significantly from
body fat estimated from BIA.
