Bhavesh Astik1
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Disease that affect skin and kidney can be linked in a number of different ways. AIMS: To observe the incidence and pattern of cutaneous in patients of CRF, undergoing dialysis and transplantation. METHODS: 125 patients of renal disorders were studied, attending the OPD during the year 2001-2003. RESULT: Among total 125 patients, pruritus and dryness (70.4%) was commonest cutaneous manifestation, next to it was pallor of skin and ichthyotic changes (60.8%). Half-Half nail were observed in 23.2% of Patients. Beau’s line seen in 13.6% patients. CONCLUSION: 125 patients of renal disorders were studied. Maximum number of patients was in 3rd and 4th decade of life. Dryness, pruritus, ichthyotic changes, pallor of skin was the commonest cutaneous features.