
Rouf Bashir, Faisal Mushjeen Qureshi

A 6-month-old male child presented to Ophthalmology Outpatient Department of our hospital with decreased vision and painless swelling near left eye since birth. On ophthalmic examination, the child had hypertelorism, partial coloboma of both eyes, and bilateral congenital cataract. There was inferolateral limbal dermoid of about 2.5*2.5 mm size with convergent squint of left eye. The physical examination showed facial asymmetry due to underdevelopment of left maxilla and normally appearing mandible. Airway evaluation showed Mallampatti III with restricted movements of head and neck. On ear examination, both ears were small and low set with stenosed bilateral external auditory canals. Cardiovascular and central nervous system examinations were normal with no associated congenital anomaly. X-ray chest was normal. Computed tomography of head showed bilateral stenosed external auditory canals, hypoplastic left maxilla and cleft palate. The patients had undergone repair of cleft lip left side at age of 3 months. The cleft palate was extending almost upto premaxilla from uvula. Haemoglobin, bleeding and clotting time, plate counts, blood urea, serum creatinine, blood glucose, liver enzymes were within normal limit.
