Purvi Khatri, Saunitra Inamdar, Mehul Salve
Caesarean scar pregnancy (CSP) is a rare form of ectopic pregnancy in which the gestational sac is implanted in a caesarean scar of the lower uterine segment.1 The first case of CSP was reported by Larsen and Solomon in 1978.2 Its incidence has risen in the past 5-6 years due to the rise in caesarean section rates worldwide. The incidence is estimated at 1:1,800 to 1:2,216 pregnancies.3-5 The increase use of imaging studies such as ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) helps in early detection of these cases. Early diagnosis would help avoid complications such as scar rupture and excessive haemorrhage, which may require a hysterectomy. Caesarean scar pregnancy can endanger the woman’s life and also affect future fertility.3 Patients who are vitally stable have more treatment options including conservative management. Hence, obstetricians/gynaecologists and radiologists must be highly vigilant of this potentially fatal complication