Bhimeswarao Pasupuleti1, Shravan Kumar Kosti2, Ramakrishna Narra3, Naganarasimharaju Jukuri4
INTRODUCTION: Normal knee joint functional activity is essential for day to day life. The number of patients with complaints of painful knee joint is quite significant and therefore magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the knee is of great value in understanding and to diagnose the varied pathologies causing painful knee joint. The information obtained from conventional radiographs of the knee is limited, and by CT scans is limited to bone pathogly with limited information about ligaments and synovium.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: a) To describe the MRI features in various types of traumatic and non-traumatic knee pain. b) To identify the common lesions seen in the knee joint.
METHODOLOGY: The study population included 100 patients who underwent MR imaging of the knee who presented with knee pain to the DEPARTMENT OF RADIOLOGY, KATURI MEDICALCOLLEGE referred by the clinician.
STUDY PERIOD: Nov 2010 to Oct 2012.
STUDY DESIGN: Descriptive study. All the MRI scans of the knee in this study were performed using GE Signa Profile EXCITE MR machine with a 0.2 tesla field strength magnet in a closely coupled extremity coil.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The pathology of knee joint is broadly classified as traumatic and non-traumatic. Traumatic pathology mainly included the ligament injuries and non-traumatic included arthritis, cysts and neoplastic lesions.