Rajeswary Pillay 1
: AIM: To compare the outcome of pregnancies complicated by bleeding per vaginum between 14- 20 weeks with those not complicated by bleeding per vaginum before 20 weeks. To evaluate the potential determinants of outcome such as gestational age at bleeding, number of bleeding episodes, extent of placental separation or sub chorionic bleed, incidence of complications as placenta previa, abruptio placenta, development of gestational hypertension and pre eclampsia, intra uterine growth restriction, and neonatal outcomes as birth weight, mode of delivery, neonatal ICU admission, and congenital anomalies. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: This was a prospective, comparative study, for a duration of one year. STUDY POPULATION: Cases- 100 women admitted in IMCH with first episode of bleeding per vaginum between 14- 20 weeks and continuing their pregnancy after 20 weeks. CONTROLS: 200 uncomplicated pregnancies attending antenatal outpatient clinic which were followed up till delivery. EXCLUSION CRITERIA: 1. Women with history of threatened abortion in first trimester were not included in the study. 2. Subjects age more than 35 years. 3. Previous history of abortion. 4. Any significant medical, surgical or gynecological history. RESULTS: When patients who presented with bleeding pv after completion of 1st trimester were analyzed by USS, a significant number of them had evidence of sub chorionic bleed, heavier the bleed, more the likelihood of presence of sub placental hematoma. There was no significant difference in prevalence of development of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy in both study groups. There was no significant rise in ante partum hemorrhage between cases and controls. Incidence of IUGR, PPROM, PRE TERM LABOR was significantly increased in study group. LSCS rate was not significantly different in both groups. In this study, there was no significant difference in incidence of congenital anomalies in both groups. STUDY AREA: Tertiary health center - Government medical college, Kozhikode, Kerala.