Ashok Ramakrishnan1, Mohammed Sageer2
Extensor tendon injuries are common cases seen in any orthopaedic outpatient department. In general, the consequences of repair of extensor tendon injuries are considered favourable with minimal postoperative complications and residual deformities. One of the rare complications seen is a foreign body granuloma occurring at the suture site. This poses a diagnostic challenge to the surgeon as it may be a delayed presentation.
Fifteen patients presenting with swelling at suture site and discharging sinus from the suture site after their extensor tendon injuries of hand were sutured with polypropylene formed the study group.
Removal of suture and debridement with primary closure resulted in resolution of symptoms.
In the event of foreign body granuloma, exploration, debridement and removal of sutures seem to be an adequate procedure, which gives predictable and favourable results. When dealing with tendon repair in areas with minimal subcutaneous tissue, it is advisable not to leave suture ends so that it irritates the skin and may lead to foreign body granulomas.
Extensor Tendon Injury, Foreign Body Granuloma, Polypropylene Sutures.