Jasdeep Monga, Siddharth Shah, Sunpreet Kaur
Ameloblastoma is the most common benign odontogenic tumour of the jaws, involving mandible and maxilla. It is a rare tumour & constitutes about 1% of all tumours of the jaw and about 9-11% of odontogenic tumours. Being rare, very large size ameloblastomas are even rarer. We present the case of a 55-year-old man, who reported with a mass in the oral cavity since last 10-12 years which was insidious in onset and gradually increased to the present size. It was an exophytic growth measuring about 12×8×6 cm arising from the floor of the mouth, vestibule and lower lip clinically involving the lower alveolus. En bloc resection of the mass was done with adequate margins and final histopathological report suggested ameloblastoma of lower alveolus. There was no recurrence reported till 1 year of follow-up.