
Vaijinath Biradar1 , Sangeeta Tengli2

INTRODUCTION: 102 cases of retained placenta admitted to Cheluvamba Hospital, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Mysore Medical College between 1st January 1995 to 5th February 1997 were studied with a name to identify high risk cases for retained placenta to study and analyze clinical features and management of retained placenta. METHODS: All cases of delivery both pre-term and term with history of retained were included. A history along with clinical examination laboratory investigation were done and treated accordingly. RESULTS: 40.19% patients were between the age group of 20-24 years, which fall in active reproductive period. 54.90% had home delivery; 22.54% were delivered in Hospital. There were there were 2(1.96%) of maternal deaths, hypovolumic shock in 15 cases. CONCLUSION: Watchful expectancy for prolonged period followed by efforts at home was the usual scene for delayed reporting to the hospital unawareness and failure to anticipate this third stage threat by the birth attendant may result in late referral and also inadequate transport facilities and long distance to be travelled by the patients.
