Mallesh Kariyappa1, Asha Benakappa2, Anil Kumar Kejjaiah3, Rakesh Saraswathipura Ramachandrappa4
PURPOSE: To understand pattern of poisoning in different age group in tertiary child care center and quantify burden of poisoning in pediatric admissions and mortality. DESIGN: Retrospective observation study. SETTING: Tertiary care center for children.
METHODS: All the children admitted with diagnosis of acute poisoning between January 2013 and June 2015 was studied. RESULTS: There were 332 admissions due to poisoning during the study period (5.4% of total admissions). Mortality due to poisoning was 7, i.e., 1.97% of all-cause mortality. 2.1% of poisonings died during the study period where as overall mortality from all causes was 5.71%. House hold Products topped the list with 112 cases, followed by agricultural products (88 cases), animal bites and stings (69 cases), drugs (48 cases) and industrial compounds (7 cases). Majority of admissions were in summer seasons 31% of all poisoning followed by rainy season. CONCLUSIONS: Incidence of acute poisoning in childhood has not changed significantly over time. Organophosphorus compounds, phosphides and drugs poisoning peak during adolescence and is particularly alarming. Conditions such as free availability of these compounds, co morbid conditions of adolescents, adolescent stressors have to be addressed.