Rabindra Kumar Panda1 Archana Toppo
Tuberculosis is amongst one of the major public health problems in the developing countries of the world today. Modern Chemotherapy kills most of the bacilli within days. WHO initiated DOTS for treating TB but still success rate of treatment is less. Immune response in most of the tuberculosis patients is inappropriate because of gross tissue destruction and progression of the disease. The nature of an effective immune response to TB is incompletely understood but the most effective vaccination strategies is to stimulate T- cell responses, both CD4 and CD8, to produce Th-1 associated cytokines. So rationale for TB immunotherapy is to replace immunopathology with protective antibacterial immunity. Mycobacterium w. have such immunogenic properties, so it was used in clinical trial as an injectable immunomodulator adjuvant to treatment of sputum positive new Pulmonary TB cases taking Cat-1 therapy