Nirmala D1, Hema N2
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The emissary sphenoidal foramen is a small foramen located anteromedial to foramen ovale and lateral to foramen rotundum and opens below lateral to scaphoid fossa. It transmits an emissary vein through which the cavernous venous sinus and pterygoid venous plexus communicate. According to Soames emissary sphenoidal foramen exists in 40% of skulls. AIMS: The aim of the present study was to identify the percentage of emissary sphenoidal foramen and to analyze its clinical importance. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 180 dry adult human skulls were studied which were available from the Department of Anatomy at Mysore Medical College (Mysore), J. S. S. Medical College(Mysore), Farooqia Dental College (Mysore) and J. J. M. Medical College (Davangere). RESULTS: The emissary sphenoidal foramen was present in 90 skulls out of 180 skulls studied. Out of the 90(50%) skulls, emissary sphenoidal foramen was present bilaterally in 42(23.3%) skulls and in the remaining 48(26.67%) skulls it was unilateral, 18 (10%) skulls showing on right side and 30(16.67%) skulls showing on left side. CONCLUSION: Anatomic variations of the emissary sphenoidal foramen could be explained due developmental reasons. The detailed anatomical knowledge is required in clinical situations necessitating the surgery at the skull base where various nerves and vessels pass through various foramina.