Sonal Bhardwaj1 , Sonali Sharma2
BACKGROUND Psychosocial variables characterized by different emotional, cognitive and behavioural changes are highly persistent / or recurrent in diabetics. An important aspect of diabetes care is assessing symptoms related to these with the use of reliable and valid instruments. Treatment and control of Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) focuses on lifestyle changes. Yoga practice, a cost-effective method has a role in the prevention of diabetes, lowering glucose levels, and in improving health. We studied the effects of yoga practice on psychosocial factors and Quality of Life (QoL) in participants of T2DM. METHODS This is a prospective randomized hospital based trial. It was conducted on 104 participants of T2DM (age of study participants 30 - 65 years of both gender) which were randomized into two study groups viz. Control and Yoga active group. Approximately 40 minutes of yogasana, five days (minimum) a week for six months was performed in yoga active group. Fasting & postprandial serum glucose and glycated haemoglobin were analysed by using auto-analyser. Various questionnaires for assessing stress, depression (stressful life events, stress at home, at work, autonomy and for depression DSM IV CIDI questionnaire)* and QoL (SF - 36)* were filled by study participants. Psychosocial stress was evaluated by obtaining questionnaire related to major stressful life episodes in the previous years, work stress, home stress, financial stress and autonomy. Statistical analysis was done by using paired and two independent samples t test. Relative risk was reported as odds ratio and with 99 % Confidence Intervals (CI). RESULTS A significant improvement in mental wellbeing, self-control and QoL was observed as compared to control group. Serum glucose and glycated haemoglobin were significantly decreased in participants of yoga active group as compared to the control group participants. CONCLUSIONS Yoga therapy intervention in the present study positively addressed QoL of the diabetic participants and also achieved adequate glycaemic control.