Rajasree S

Department of Internal Medicine and Diabetes, Government Stanley Medical College, Chennai, India

  • Research Article   
    Migraine Headache - New Simple and Smart Way to Relieve Pain (Migraine Head Band)
    Author(s): Rajendran SM*, Rajasree S, Abhishaanth Prabu, Senthil Nathan R and Akshara RS

    Background: The aim of this analysis with band was to find out the effectiveness of migraine prophylaxis versus current pharmacologic strategies. Methods: The aim of this study was to determine the effect of uniform band on improving the sensitivity of descending pain modulatory pathways across migraine cycle. 50 females were selected to participate in this study for a period of 3 months. The frequency, duration of migraine attacks assessed with study and control group. Results: For Migraine sufferers, the duration of headache was significantly improved by wearing our migraine band within 20 min of usage. Patients feel relaxed and feel stress free in both groups. Conclusion: This study revealed that vibration provided by the band was highly effective to improve the headache and stress. .. View More»

    Abstract PDF
